Normal reStructuredText Files

This is a normal RST file.


Those still work!

Sphinx Directives for Jupyter Notebook Cells

For comparison, this is a “normal” Sphinx code block using ipython3 syntax highlighting:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print('Hello, world!')

The nbsphinx extension provides custom directives to show notebook cells:

In [42]:
6 * 7

This was created with

.. nbinput:: ipython3
    :execution-count: 42

    6 * 7

.. nboutput::
    :execution-count: 42


Sphinx Directives for Info/Warning Boxes


This is an experimental feature! Its usage may change in the future or it might disappear completely, so don’t use it for now.

With a bit of luck, it will be possible (some time in the future) to create info/warning boxes in Markdown cells, see If this ever happens, nbsphinx will provide directives for creating such boxes. For now, there are two directives available: nbinfo and nbwarning. This is how an info box looks like:


This is an info box.

It may include nested formatting, even another info/warning box:

Warning: You should probably not use nested boxes!